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Contact your Congressmen. This link allows you to find your specific representative and senators by entering your Zip Code, or all your state's congressmen and senators by state. Write them regularly so your voice will be known in Washington.

Governmental power and functions in the United States rest in three branches of government: the legislative, judicial, and executive. Ben's Guide provides some additional details that are easy to understand.

The legislative branch is divided into the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Currently there are 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 members of the Senate (2 from every State).
Each state is represented in the House proportionally by its population, and is entitled to at least one representative. The total number of representatives is currently fixed at 435 by the Reapportionment Act of 1929, though Congress has the authority to change that number. Each representative serves for a two-year term and may be re-elected an unlimited number of times.
Each voter is represented by one member of the House of Representatives and two Senators.
You may hear news reports of the House of Represetatives or Senate has passed a bill. Remember that the bill only becomes law after both legislative branches have passed the bill and the President signs the bill into law.

The Executive branch's official website. The Executive branch consists of the President, Vice President, Executive Office of the President and the Cabinet.

The Judicial branch's is the official website for the U.S. Courts, consisting of the United States Supreme Court, United States Courts of Appeals, United States District Courts and United States Bankruptcy Courts.

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